Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Are You Getting All Of The Nutritional Supplements You Need?

Are you certain that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs? while you're dieting? Chances are that if you're following any restrictive diet plan, you may be missing some important vitamins or minerals. Any diet that heavily emphasizes one food group while completely restricting others is, by nature, lacking in some essential nutrients.

Isn't that part of the idea, though? The popular conception of dieting is that when we feed our bodies less calories than it needs, it will begin to take nutrition from the fat that it has stored. While that's true, there's a basic fallacy in thinking that your body can derive all the fuel it needs that way. Part of the problem with that assumption is that there are many nutrients that your body can't store. It simply uses what it needs and excretes the rest. Those nutrients must be consumed daily in one way or another, and if your diet doesn't allow for that, your body will show the effects.

If you're on a diet that severely restricts your intake of any particular food or food group, you may benefit from adding a nutritional supplement to your daily regimen. In fact, many doctors recommend that dieters take, at the very least, a complete, high-quality multivitamin to make up for any deficiencies caused by the restrictions. Other supplementation might be recommended depending on the diet you're following.

Below are some specific suggestions based on particular diets. The suggestions should not be taken as medical advice, nor is there any dosage recommendation. Instead, take it as a suggestion to discuss your diet with a nutritionist or dietician and ask for their advice on appropriateness or dosage.

On ANY Diet:

A full-spectrum multivitamin should be part of your daily routine no matter what you're eating or not eating. It will help even out the ups and downs of your diet, and supply some valuable nutrients that are difficult to get.

Sunshine. It may not come in pill form, but sunshine is one of the more important 'nutritional supplements'. It assists the body in making vitamin D, which is not derived from any food source. While doctors say that as little as 20 minutes of full sun a day can supply your daily requirement of vitamin D, they also caution that it's dependent on climate. If you live north of Philadelphia, you should take a vitamin D supplement to be sure that you get enough.

On a Low-Carb/High Protein Diet:

Antioxidant vitamins that are found in vegetables are a must. Scientists are learning more and more how important it is that our diets contain a full spectrum of vitamins, proteins, minerals and acids. If your diet cuts out most grains and vegetables, you should be replacing the nutrients you miss out on with supplementary vitamin A, C, B (all the B's), E and K. You should also supplement your intake of folic acid, and if you're not getting a significant amount of your protein from fish products, you'll need omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil, shellfish and flaxseed oil.

Keep in mind that the best diet is one that gives you a balance of nutrients, and that supplements should be exactly that - a supplement to your daily intake of nutrition.

The Importance Of Detoxing Your Body

One of the most important things anyone can do to improve overall health and fitness is detoxing the body. This detoxiing should ideally take place a couple of times a year, and many people prefer to do it at the spring and fall of every year.

No matter when you do your detoxing, however, it is important to do it the right way. Diet, exercise and avoiding stress are all essential elements of maintaining good health and optimal fitness, and it is important to take these elements into account as you create your detoxification plan.

Why should I consider detoxing?

Detoxing is particularly important in the modern world, since environmental pollutants, toxins and other elements can quickly build up to toxic levels and cause ill health and a variety of mental and physical consequences. These serious consequences include such things as weakened immune system to fatigue to feeling of depression.

Fortunately the diet needed for proper detoxing is simple and easy to follow, and it can be repeated as often as needed in order to ensure optimal health benefits.

What to eat when detoxing

We will start are detoxing discussion with a list of foods to include when on the detoxification diet. Any combination of the foods listed below can be used, provided that the combination provides a nutritional and balanced daily diet.

Fruit � it is important to eat plenty of fresh fruit when detoxing, and any type of fruit can be used, including apples, oranges and more exotic fruits. Fruit juices are fine as well, provided that they are made with 100% real fruit and contain no artificial preservatives or added sugar.
Vegetables � as with fruit, it is important to eat plenty of vegetables while detoxing Some of the most popular vegetables for detoxing the body include onions, carrots, turnips, cabbage, bean sprouts, peppers, mushrooms, corn, leeks, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
Beans and lentils � any kind of beans are great for detoxing the body, including dried beans and beans canned in water. Beans canned in oil should be avoided. Some of the most popular beans for detoxing include kidney beans, lima beans, pinto beans, black eyed peas and lentils.
Tofu and quorn � These two popular meat substitutes are excellent choices for detoxing.
Oats � oats are great for sprinkling over fresh fruit or for use in a porridge. Oats can be sweetened and enhanced with honey or fresh fruit.
Fresh fish � fish can be a major part of the diet while detoxing. Some of the healthiest varieties of fish include cod, salmon, mackerel, monkfish and trout.
Live yogurt � Live yogurt is a great choice for detoxing, as it contains valuable nutrients and beneficial bacteria which help to sooth the digestive tract during the detox process.

What to avoid when detoxing

Just as there are foods that should be included in the detox diet, there are foods that must be avoided when detoxing. These foods include:

� Red meat, chicken, turkey and other poultry
� Processed meat products, such as sausages and pate
� Milk, cream, cheese and other dairy products
� Eggs, butter and margarine
� Snacks like potato chips
� Salted nuts
� Chocolate and sweets
� Sugar, particularly refined sugar
� Jams and jellies
� Alcohol, tea, coffee and soft drinks
� Salt
� Store bought salad dressings
Following this plan for detoxing several times a year is a great way to keep your overall health at its best, and to avoid the problems associated with pollution and stress. This plan for detoxing is simple, easy to follow, and can be used whenever you feel you need a lift.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

10 Ways to Exercise When You Don't Feel Like Exercise

Exercise. It's been endorsed by every major health organization in the country as one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body. One half hour of moderate physical activity a day is the key to better health, they say. The best diet in the world can only go so far in helping you lose weight. To really see the effects of changing your eating habits (in lost pounds and inches, that is), you need to rev up your body with physical exercise.

So why does the word bring a collective groan to dieters around the world? Maybe it's our mistaken impression that exercise is a chore, and a boring, painful one at that. Here are ten ways to exercise that should get rid of that impression for good, and make xercise something you can look forward to:

1. Take a walk through a favorite place. One half hour of moderately paced walking will burn 450 calories - and make you feel great. Make sure that you're wearing comfortable shoes, and pick a venue you enjoy. Try a walk around the lake, up and down the block or around the mall - your body doesn't know the difference.

2. Go out and play a game of tag with your kids. Making exercise a family activity turns it into fun that you share with them. Besides being good for your body, you're instilling good habits in them, and creating happy memories that will stay with them for life.

3. Go swimming. An annual membership to the local YMCA or YWCA is fairly inexpensive, and many have 'scholarships' and financial aid available. Swimming is great exercise - it's aerobic, low stress on your joints, and a lot of fun!

4. Join an exercise class. You can turn exercise into a social activity by becoming part of a class. Besides making friends, you're more likely to exercise if you're paying for it.

5. Get an exercise buddy. It's partly the same principle as joining a class - turn exercise into a social activity. In addition to that, making a commitment to a friend for a daily exercise date will make it far more likely that you'll stick to it.

6. Play ball! Seriously. If your company has a sports team (softball, anyone?), join up. Or join a bowling league, volleyball team or other sports group that practices and plays regularly.

7. Get a trampoline. Mini-trampolines are easy to set up, store in small spaces and provide a stress-free surface on which to bounce, dance and have a lot of fun.

8. Go for a bike ride. Even leisurely bike-riding burns calories and exercises muscles that don't get used in regular walking. No need for an exercise 'routine' - just ride your bike to the store, or back and forth to work each day.

9. Take up a new active hobby. Would you believe that gardening is exercise? Bending and stretching and digging and weeding - half an hour of energetic work in your garden burns more calories than a brisk walk.

10. Challenge yourself. If you're the kind of person who thrives on competition, challenge yourself to meet a new goal each week. Walk one more block. Do six more sit-ups. Take the stairs each day instead of the elevator. Goal-setting to meet challenges is a great way to commit to exercise.

No Excuses Exercises

It's old news that exercising is the single best way to spark up your weight loss efforts. The activity perks up your metabolism, and eats up more calories. In addition, the more you exercise, the better the effect. Exercising builds muscle mass, which is denser and more compact than fat. That means your body has to expend more effort to pump blood
through it, and it requires more nutrients to keep it healthy. The end result? Even at rest, your body naturally burns more calories.

Unfortunately, the prospect of exercising tends to elicit groans from most people. There's all the logistics to work out - the time,equipment, expense and the sheer, utter boringness of it all. Negative thinking about exercise can sabotage all your good intentions. Here's a list of answers for some of the most commonly used excuses not to exercise.

I don't have time to exercise!

Exercise could be one of the most important things you'll do for your health today. MAKE time to exercise. If you're doing traditional workouts - move those weights and mats right out into the family room and make use of your television time. Instead of flopping down in a chair while you watch the news or your favorite show, be active. Run in place, do leg lifts or heft weights. Use time in your car to tighten and tone muscles with isometric tummy tighteners. Walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator. Exercise doesn't have to be a solid hour at the gym. Anything that revs up your motors is great for your body.

I don't have the right equipment at home.

You don't need equipment to exercise. A brisk walk around the block is good for you - and burns over 200 calories. Vacuuming your carpets can burn nearly as much. Flip on your radio or pop in your favorite high-energy CD and dance. Don't fool yourself into thinking that your 'exercise' has to be a carefully planned workout to work all the right muscles in the right order with the right tension. Exercise means being active. Just do it.

I can't afford a membership to the gym.

If you'd rather exercise at the gym (and have access to their fitness machines, whirlpools, swimming pool and trainers), there are a lot of ways to make it more affordable. Check with your health insurance company to see if they offer incentives. Most of the major health insurance companies, including Blue Cross, cover part or all of fitness club memberships as part of your benefits. If yours doesn't, or if you don't have health insurance, call your local YMCA or YWCA. Most offer 'scholarships' or sliding fee scales for memberships to their facilities.

But exercise is such a chore!

Says who? Make getting your daily exercise fun. Play a game. Go dancing. Grab a few friends for a weekend hike in the state park. Exercise doesn't have to be routine. Stop thinking of it as a chore and start thinking of it as recreation. You'll be amazed what a difference it makes.